Law Course Tutoring on an intensive 1 to 1 basis -- and at an affordable yearly flat rate!

2006 Ranking of LLM US Law School Programmes

Courtesy of Brian Risman, Publisher and Founder,  www thelawjournal co uk! 

Press release for Immediate Publication: Attn. Education, Law and Economy editors.

AUAP ( issued its new 2006 LL.M-Master of Law classification International Law students love this one year program as it allows them after graduation to sit for state bar examinations. The enroll in a  LL.M Students must have a degree that qualifies for the bar exam of their own country.

The average starting salary of a LL. M graduate is US $ 85,000 per year. Foreign LLM graduates can automatically work in the US after graduation in a Law related position. LL.M are mostly aimed at International students (80%).

American Lawyers dislike this competition of foreign educated attorneys in their own country. They try to block the bar exam access in several states (Louisiana-North Carolina for example recently). It is why we recommend to apply immediately.

Our 2006 LL.M. rankings are available at

Information on LL.M-Master of Law

There are only 85 LL.M. The programs are very small (from 8 to 150 students maximum). Therefore the acceptance rates are low (7% to 40%) LL.M studies last only one calendar year.

The next entry date is August 2006. The application files should be completed before January 15, 2006. AUAP placed since 1995 more than 1000 LL.M Students. Our results are at

The AUAP Selection + Guaranteed Admission Program ($2000) is a complete comprehensive program that guarantees admission (80% money back guarantee). AUAP selects 4 universities according to the profile of the student. It pays for 4 application fees, TOEFL test fees, and credential evaluations fees. Our AUAP Counselor, generally former or active director of admissions, will help the student to fill the application forms, correct the essays, coach for the test, inspire the letters of recommendation, prepare visits and interviews, research scholarship and help for the issuance of the F1 visa.  As LL.M admissions are extremely competitive AUAP “sell the student” to our colleagues the directors of admissions. The cost of an LLM is between US $16 000 to $52 000 (including tuition, food and lodging). Scholarships are possible but rare.  


2006 Rankings of American LL.M-Master of Law

This classification takes into account the following data: Selectivity of the Institution, Starting Salary and International image of the University established by a panel of international recruiters. Tin 2006 two US universities from the state of New York share the first place; Columbia and Cornell. Two other “Ivy League” institutions follow and Harvard, which is stable at the fifth place. 


    1) Columbia University (NY)  & Cornell (NY)
    3) NYU (NY)
    4) University of Pennsylvania  (PA)
    5) Harvard University (MA)
    6) Fordham (NY)
    7) Tulane (LA)
    8) Duke University (NC)
    9) Vanderbilt (TN)
    10) Cardozo Law School Yeshiva University (NY)
    11) University of Chicago (IL)
    12) Yale (CT)
    13) American University  (DC)
    14) Pennsylvania State University (PA)
    15) LSU (LA)
    16) UCLA (CA)
    17) University of Southern California  (CA)
    18) Washington University (MO)
    19) Boston University (MA)
    20) Georgetown Universtity*.


  *Georgetown University is not recommended for bar examination as said in their documentation.

Your readers may contact us at:

American Universities Admission Program
Tel +19413461427

Suite 19, 5053 Ocean Blvd.
Sarasota Fl 34242

We thank you in advance for informing your readers of this academical service. We are at your disposal for any further information.

Dr JN Prade
Former Judge
Chairman of the Board of American universities Admissions Program

PS Katrina Hurricane: AUAP helps all foreign students displaced by the hurricane, to find, free of charge a substitute university in order to finish their semester at no extra cost. They can contact us in French, English, Italian, and Spanish.


Dr. J.N. Prade
Chairman AUAP
Harvard SICA'96, U of Paris II'73, Former Judge
American Council on Education
Tel: (1) 941 346 1427
Fax: (10 941 349 4370
Suite 19, 5053 Ocean Blvd.
Sarasota Fl 34242 USA


2005 Ranking of LLM US Law School Programmes

Courtesy of www thelawjournal co uk! 

From AUAP (American Universities Admission Program)

For immediate release To the Education-Law Editors

Please consult the classification 2005 US LL.M rankings published by AUAP. This Law degree is for students that have already a Law degree (3 to 4 years) in their countries of origin. It allows to sit for several (including New York) Bar exams.  This prestigious degree  is, in fact, quasi mandatory for an international Law career. Studies last only one year, which make it even more attractive. (Please see )

2004 saw again a rush of international applicants. Therefore LLM are more and more selective as their size is very small (from 10 to a maximum of 150 students).  In 2004 our  AUAP students were accepted at: Columbia, Cornell, U of Pennsylvania, NYU, Duke, UCLA, Berkeley,  Boston U, Fordham, Yeshiva, St. Louis, American University, etc.

 Please see our results

This unique LL.M ranking is based on Selectivity, Starting salaries 6 month after graduation and international image of the institutions defined by a panel of recruiters. This year 95% of the LLM Graduates were employed 6 months after graduation with an average salary of USD 85.000 .


2005 LL.M Classification©

1) Columbia University (NY)
2) NYU (NY)
3) Cornell (NY)
4) University of Pennsylvania  (PA)
5) Harvard University (MA)
6)  Cardoso Law School (NY)
7) Fordham (NY)
8) Duke University (NC)
9) Vanderbilt (TN)
10) Tulane (CA)
11) University of Chicago (IL)
12) Yale (CT)
13) American University  (DC)
14) Penn State University (PA)
15) LSU (LA)
16) San Diego University (CA)
17) Wake Forest University (SC)
18) Washington University (MO)
19) Boston University (MA)  

20) Georgetown U. (DC) **

** Not recommended for Bar Examination.

AUAP offers a SELECTION + GUARANTEED ADMISSION PROGRAM (US $2000) since 1995. It selects 4 LL.M Program according to the profile of the student, Pays for 4 Application and the TOEFL test fees.  It includes also: Formal Evaluation of grades and studies by a US accreditor (, Corrections of the essays, selection of letters of recommendation,  Research of Financial aid Scholarships, Preparation of Visit and interview, Coaching for the test, Visa help. and we are not afraid to say it "sale of the candidacy to our colleagues the directors of admissions.

If we failed (0% in 10 years) our Money back guarantee we will reimburse 8-0% of our fees.

Your readers should contact us very quickly as the best LLM close their application in the middle of February for a mid August entry.

Tel USA (1) 941346 14 27
Fax USA (1) 941 349 4370  
For other studies in the USA :

Suite 19 5053 Ocean Blvd.
Sarasota FL 34242 USA

 Thank you in advance for informing your reader and remain at your disposal.

Dr JN Prade
Chairman AUAP
U. of Paris II Law School, Harvard SICA
Former Judge
Member American Council on education




2004 Ranking of LLM US  Law School Programmes

Courtesy of www thelawjournal co uk! 

To the Attention of the Education/ University/Law editor(s) .

Press Release  For Law and Education Editors: For Immediate Publication
(without virus as done on Mac)

Since 1994 AUAP ( publishes, the only classification of US
LL.M Master of Law programs for foreign students. This prestigious Law
degree is more and more popular among the International students.  It
allows to sit for several State Bar Exam including New York.

AUAP (American Universities Admission Program) is the organization that
guarantees, through its Selection + Guaranteed Admission Program
($2000), admissions into an ABA accredited LL.M, with a 85% money back

This year we saw the reign of Columbia University (NYC) replacing
Harvard and the entrance in the top 15 of Vanderbilt University
(Tennessee). The biggest drop is Georgetown in Washington DC

2004 Rankings of American LLM for Foreign Students

1) Columbia University (NY)
2) Harvard Law School (MA)
3) University of Pennsylvania*(PA)
3) Cornell* (NY)
5) Wake Forest University (NC)
6) NYU (New York)
7) Fordham (NY)
8) American University (DC)
9) UCLA (CA)
10) University of Chicago (IL)
11) Yale (C0)
12) Vanderbilt  (TN)
13) Penn State University (PA)
14) LSU (LA)
15) Georgetown U (DC) **

* = Tied
** Not recommended for  "Bar exams"

This classification is established by AUAP experts and representatives
of international Law firms and takes into account the starting salaries
after graduation and the admissions rates.

Your readers should know:

-There are only 86 LL.M in the USA and most of the programs are very
small (8 to 180 students).

- The number of international applicants is rising constantly, therefore
the rates of admissions are dropping (8% to 10% for the top programs)

-  An LLM  Degree is quasi mandatory for an international Law career

- LLM programs last one calendar year and generally start in August,
They attract for international Student (85%) and a Law Degree is a pre

-The competitive admissions are  decided on file.  The TOEFL test is
mandatory for students that have been taught in a foreign language. The
important admissions factors are: The grade (they should be evaluated by
a credential evaluator), personal essays, letters of recommendation,
Etc. Application files should be competed at the end of January.

-The Average starting earning of an LLM graduate is $ 85 000/year. The
total cost, including tuition, meals and lodging varies from $18 000 to
$ 60 000. Scholarships are rare.

-An AUAP counselor generally a director of admissions of a Law School
helps each student constantly. The Selection + Guaranteed Admission
Program is a guaranteed turn key program that goes from the initial
selection of 4 LLM to the visa procedure. Please see our results at

-Our 2004 rankings and recommendations are on the web at 2004

We are at your disposal for any further information or/and statistics,
as "Education is our Passion"

To contact us

Tel (USA): (001) 941 346 1427
Fax (001) 941 349 43 70
AUAP Suite 19, 5053 Ocean Blvd Sarasota Fl 34242 USA


The Hon. Dr. JN Prade
Former Judge
American Universities Admission Program USA



2003 Ranking of LLM US  Law School Programmes

To the Attention of the Education/ University/Law editor(s) .

AUAP (American Universities Admission Program) publishes every year the only classification of US LLM/Master of Law Programs.Those rankings are  established by university professors and a panel of International Law offices.

  2003 Rankings LL.M/Master of Law in the USA

1) Columbia* (NY) 
1) Harvard Law School* (MA) 
3) University of Pennsylvania* (PA) 
3) Cornell* (NY) 
5) Wake Forest University (NC) 
6) Georgetown (DC)  
7) Yale (CT) 
8) American University (DC) 
9) UCLA (CA) 
10) Georgetown (DC) 
11) Fordham (NY) 
12) UC Berkeley (CA) 
13) University of  Chicago (IL) 
14 ) Penn State University (PA) 
15)  LSU (LA) 

*= tied 

What's New?
Harvard is back in the first place tied with Columbia. Their admission rates are both very low (less than 10%). Cornell continues its constant rise and we noted the entrance in the top 15 of Penn State University. This university has a campus which exemplifies the "American dream" (Football Stadium of 140 000 seats,  two 18 hole Golf course, Two top class hotels for visitors and parents , a nuclear reactor, Ethernet connections everywhere including cafeterias etc).  LSU (Louisiana State University) is also included (This is the only state of the USA, which uses the French Napoleon code)

What about the  LLM ? (Legus Magister)
Please see our page  Rapidly,  here are the main characteristics about the LL.M : One calendar year Diploma, open to foreign students that have a Law degree in their country, It is quasi mandatory for a job in international Law firms.  LLM, which are ABA approved,  qualifies for the "Bar Exam" in some States.  Many of our students did it. Only one mandatory TOEFL test for non English language native speakers. 12 months of intensive preparation for ultra selective admissions. Only Entry date: Middle of August. Admissions are decided on files. There are only 85 Programs which gathers from 20 to 80 students each. Average starting salary $ 85 000/year + sign in bonus.

AUAP? ( )
AUAP is, since 1995, the world leader organization,  that helps foreign students and guarantees their admissions into US universities. We have been accepted this year into the prestigious American Council of Education (ACE) and are members of AACRAO and NAFSA.   We offer a complete comprehensive program for LLM: The SELECTION + GUARANTEED ADMISSION PROGRAM ($2000) It selects 4 universities, does all the lengthy and complicated application procedures, pays for the test and application fees to 4 universities, and guarantees admission with a money back guarantee. The AUAP personal counselors are generally directors of admissions of US Law Schools. For 7 year our students have been accepted in the most prestigious LLM/Programs (Please see "pop up" window)

AUAP also offers to any foreign student, who wants to enter an American University or High School,  a complete line of professional services.


SELECTION PROGRAM ($350) Not available for LLM

AUAP CREDENTIAL EVALUATION SERVICE: Evaluation of the diploma, grades, &  University credits according to the rules of the National Council on Evaluation of Foreign Credential and AACRAO (American Association of College registrars and Admissions Officers). Those evaluations are mandatory for entrance into competitive Universities and immigration(H1B Visa).

ELP (English Language Program $350)  Selection of English Language courses and test preparations on American Campuses

On Line shop for  tests preparation materials: Carefully selected Cd-Roms and books to prepare it at home.(worldwide distribution)

NURSESTUDYUSA  ($500) To obtain an Registered Nurse (RN) diploma in two years and get US residency and an average starting salary of  $ 50. 000/year + sign In bonus.

PREPSCHOOLUSA  Guaranteed entrance into the very famous US College Preparatory Boading Schools.

Your readers may contact us :

AUAP   Web page:
Fax (001) 941 346 14 27
Tel (001) 941 349 4370
Suite 19, 5053 Ocean Blvd. Sarasota Fl 34242 USA

As "Education is our Passion" ™ we are at your disposal for any further information. Thank you to advise your readers or listeners as LL.M are more and more popular and time is extremely short for the 2003 entry.
Dr. Jean-Noel Prade
Chairman American Universities Admission Program (AUAP)
Harvard SICA
American Council on Education (ACE),  National Association of Scholars , AACRAO, NAFSA, PBB
Founding Faculty at Yorktown University, Former Judge
Tel: (1) 941 346 1427
Fax: (1) 941 349 4370
Suite 19, 5053 Ocean Blvd. Sarasota FL34242 USA